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Milnerton Lagoon still stinks

Years after the City of Cape Town was ordered to clean it up, residents say the smell is nauseating

The stench of sewage from the Milnerton Lagoon in Cape Town is nothing new, but it has been nauseating over the past weeks, say residents.… Read more

PRASA finally signs rail deal with City

The Service Level Plan gives the City oversight over annual performance plans, station revitalisation, and the introduction of more train sets

The City of Cape Town and the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) have signed a Service Level Plan (SLP) following court action, threats of an intergovernmental dispute, and more than a year of negotiations.… Read more

Cars with attitude show off at Capestance

On the Cape car calendar, there are a few events that stand out as representing the local car culture on an international level. Only the Fittest is certainly one of those.

Hosted by automotive cultural movement Capestance, the Only the Fittest exhibitions have developed over the past decade into a must for car fans across the Cape.… Read more

Dec/Jan gig guide – mense raak mal

Hold on to your wallets peeps, it’s December holidays. Okay, let’s be real: you’re gonna have to shell out, but try not to hand it over to those capitalist bastards who would take the last 5c out of your credit card account and then sell your kidney to a muti mafia for the interest if they could, without even a single disturbed dream about it.
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Deafrow blows the bass

So Harlem Carelse was the winner for BEST OF SHOW with his bagged E30.

The sound-off is a lesser-known but no less exciting aspect of the Cape Town car scene. This is a subculture in which, simply put, creative car folk build as much powerful audio equipment and power supply into a car as is humanly possible, and bring that car to ‘the lanes’, where the loudness is measured using hi-tech equipment.… Read more

Rail renewal: City plan unveiled

The City of Cape Town first suggested taking over the passenger rail network in 2017, its investigation into how it would make this work is to being presented to council

Passenger rail, which should be the backbone of Cape Town’s public transport system, has been in decline for a decade under PRASA’s management, losing 159-million passengers since the 2012/13 financial year.… Read more

December gig guide – get yer bums out

Summer’s here. Get yer bums out. Matric exams are done, and although the last week or two of work is dragging on, the time to jol is now, before the Christmas family obligations drag you to the salad bar.


Salty songstresses The Fishwives bring their blues-tinged chords and funk-fringed beats
back to Cape Town to sing their poetry and like sirens dash us against their rock.… Read more